Nebulizer: Effective Medical Equipment


Many medicines need to be taken in the form of mist and not liquid or solid form. Mainly those medicines require such intake that is taken for any ailment related to the lungs. Here is when an asthma nebulizer machine or a compressor nebulizer machine comes into the picture. 

The asthma nebulizer machine comes with a mouthpiece, attached to a small machine; the mouthpiece is used to inhale the mist form of the medicine which is converted in the same by the small machine attached to the mouthpiece. 

Usually, the compressor nebulizer machines take up 10-20 minutes to complete one cycle of a medicine, but this period can also vary depending upon the quantity of the medicine inserted in the same, or the manual switching off time of the machine by the user. 

There are many benefits associated with the usage of an asthma nebulizer machine or the compressor nebulizer machine, which everyone should be aware of. 

·         The treatment given through the nebulizer machine works faster as compared to those medicines which are taken through the mouth in the liquid or solid form. The mist which is given through the nebulizer, unlike the regular medicine bypasses the digestive system and the bloodstream goes directly to the affected body part.  

·         During asthma attacks, the asthma nebulizer machine proves to be life-saving equipment for the patient. 

·         Fewer Side-effects are shown by the treatment given through a nebulizer machine. Long term usage of asthma nebulizer machines results in fewer side effects as compared to the steroids treatment which results in weight gain issues, high blood pressure conditions, high blood sugar, and even loss of bone mass. 

·         Nebulizers are convenient to use as compared to other bulky equipment. These can be taken along with the patient everywhere, and can also run on batteries. 

Apart from these above-mentioned advantages, there are, many others also which prove that asthma nebulizer machines or compressor nebulizer machines are a good option to go for.


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