How an Asthmatic Nebulizer Works?
An asthmatic nebulizer is a gadget or
machine which aids asthma patients or people with other respiratory problems to
breathe easily and comfortably. It administers the medicine directly and
quickly into the lungs and eases the process of respirations. Nebulizers are
recommended for patients of Asthma, COPD, Bronchitis and Cystic Fibrosis.
Though nebulizers are prescribed for people of all age groups, they are
especially helpful in case of children.
A nebulizer can be purchased
across the counter or on doctor’s prescription. It can also be purchased
online. There are different types of nebulizers depending on different medical
conditions. Bronnchodilators, sterile saline solutions, antibiotics, etc are
some of the few kinds of nebulizers.
Nebulizers are different
from inhalers and the two should not be mixed up. Though both administer the
medicine directly into the lungs to make breathing easier, there are some
functional differences. In case of inhalers, the person has to inhale the
medicine from his/her mouth. Inhalers are not battery or electrically operated.
They are small and handy in size and can be carried comfortably in a bag or
suitcase. Nebulizers are comparatively bulky and are battery or electrically
Nebulizers come with an
instruction manual which guides you about the setting up and using of the
machine. There are very few simple steps to follow. Wash your hands, add the
medicine, assemble the parts of the machine and turn the nebulizer on with the help
of a battery or plug it in an electric socket. The medicine cup and mouthpiece
of the nebulizer should be kept upright to inhale the medicine in. take small
slow breathes through the mouthpiece. Apart from using the nebulizer
effectively, care should be taken to clean, disinfect and maintain the machine.
nebulizers are manufactured by many pharmaceutical
companies and come in all ranges. You can either follow the doctor’s
prescription and recommendation, or buy one of a reputed brand. In any case, do
your research before you buy the nebulizer.
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